To be eligible to vote in Nebraska, you must be:
- A United States citizen
- At least 18 years old on Election Day
- A resident of Nebraska on or before registration deadline
- Not a convicted felon; or if convicted your civil rights have been restored at least two years since your sentence has been completed, including probation or parole
- Not have been officially found to be mentally incompetent
- Registered to vote
Note: If you have recently moved to Nebraska, or moved to another state after the registration deadline, then you may only vote a Presidential ballot. By law, your residence is that place at which you have established a home, where you are habitually present, and to which, when you depart, you intend to return. Leaving for temporary purposes, such as military service or school attendance, need not result in a change of residence for voting purposes. However, any permanent change in your residence or address will require you to re-register to vote.